Tomo Miyazaki

Tomo Miyazaki

I am an Associate Professor at Department of Communication Engineering at Tohoku University, Japan. I received my Ph.D. degree from Tohoku University and a B.S. from Yamagata University in 2011 and 2006, respectively.

Physical Address

Email: tomo (at)
Tel: +81-22-795-7088
Fax: +81-22-795-7090
Address: 6–6–05 Aoba Aramaki, Aoba, Sendai, 980–8579, Japan(仙台市青葉区荒巻字青葉6-6-05 電気系1号館 621号室)
Lab Website: Laboratory for Image Information Communications (In Japanese)

My Goals

  1. Respect everyone. Grades of jobs and place do not matter. Ourself matter.
  2. Work optimistically. Things will work out.
  3. Be patient. Don't become disappointed when things don't work out exactly as planned.
  4. Be persistent. Keep working even when things get difficult. Push through the tough time.
  5. Refine myself. Stop comparing myself to others.


My research interests are in pattern recognition and image processing. I am especially interested in recognizing visual objects with their structure. Also structural data, such as chemical compounds, is my research target.


Full list

Professional Activity




  1. Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Principal Investigator, 22K12729, 2022-2024 [URL]
  2. Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research ( B ), Co-Investigator, 20H04201, 2020-2023 [URL]
  3. Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research ( C ), Principal Investigator, 19K11848, 2019-2021 [URL]
  4. Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research ( Exploratory ), Co-Investigator, 18K19772, 2018-2021 [URL]
  5. Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research ( C ), Co-Investigator, 18K11546, 2018-2021 [URL]
  6. Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research ( B ), Co-Investigator, 16H02841, 2016-2019 [URL]
  7. Grant-in-Aid for Research Activity start-up, Principal Investigator, 15H06009, 2015-2016 [URL]